Special Lecture IG 2

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{{#Customtitle:지질융합기술특강 및 실습 2 Special Lectures on Integrated Geotechniques and Practices}}

개요 Outlines

이 강의는 지방대 특성화 사업에 의해 선정된 우리 학부의 "융합지구과학기술 인력양성사업단"의 사업 목적에 따라 설계된 것으로, 학생들이 졸업후 진출할 자원, 환경, 및 문화분야에서 지질학이 실제 어떻게 이용되는지 공부하고 경험하기 위한 강의이다. 수강 학생들은 컴퓨터와 지질 전문지식을 융합하여 직접 사업 설계를 해 봄으로써, 졸업후 사회에 진출하였을 때 보다 효율적이고 내실있게 담당업무를 수행하는데도움을주기위한것이다.

일반 과목 정보 General course information

  • 과목코드 Course code: 4432109
  • 학점-강의-실험 Credit-Lecture-Lab work: 3-3-0
  • 평가 Grading: 중간고사 Midterm Exam (30%) + 기말고사 Final Exam (30%) + 과제물 Assignment Report(30%) + 출석 Attendance (10%)
  • 강의 유형 Type of class: 강의 Lecture + 토론 Discussion + 실습 Practices

교재 및 참고서 Text & references

  • Text: None
  • References: Any textbook related to the environmental sciences and geochemistry such as Applied Environmental Geochemistry (I. Thornton, 1983, Academic Press), Environmental Science & Engineering (JG Henry & GW Heinke, 1989, Prentice-Hall), Environmental Chemistry (C. Baird, 1995, Freeman Co.), Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (D. Langmuir, 1997, Prentice Hall), etc.

수강 조건 Prerequisites

Geochemistry advised

강의 계획 Lecture schedule

Week No. Lecture title Assignment Lecture note Reading Materials
& Other Supplements
1 Definition of Environmental Geochemistry, A few concepts of Environmental Sciences
2 Earth materials and analytical methods for environmenatl geochemistry, Part 1 How sustainability is such a key concept in environmental sciences?
3 Earth materials and analytical methods for environmenatl geochemistry, Part 2 Classification and environmental application of minerals
4 Water quality, Part 1: Definition of water quality, water quality criteria, parameter, snd standards. Health effects of toxic inorganic pollutants. Instrumentation of ICP-AES
5 Water quality, Part 2; Organic, radiogenic, disinfection, and microbiological parameters Comparison of water quality criteria from various countries and world organizations
6 Water quality, Part 3; Controlling factors of water quality Water quality of our home
7 Midterm examination
8 Environmental geochemistry of fossil fuels, Part 1: acid deposition Listing of the banned pesticides and herbicides by WHO
9 Environmental geochemistry of fossil fuels, Part 2; acid mine drainage and other environmental problems in mining area. Surveying pH's of precipitation
10 Environmental geochemistry of fossil fuels, Part 3; global warming Stream pollution by acid mine drainage
11 Other atmospheric environmental problems: Ozon, suspended particulates, and NOx What is CCS (carbon capture & storage)?
12 Environmental Geochemistry of agriculture; trace elements in soil, plants, and animals How does ozon protect and hurt us?
13 Pollutions from industries Geochemical map of soils
14 Radiactive nuclides Heavy metals from each industry.
15 Final examination

유용한 링크 Helpful links

R.K.Stoessell's Environmental Geochemistry Lecture

Ken Rubin's Environmental Geochemistry Page